Sunday, March 9, 2014

Volunteer Spotlight- Meet Brandi

Meet Brandi Wolfer. 

Brandi has been a volunteer since the beginning of the organization. When asked why she volunteers Brandi says, "Jaymie has always held a piece of my heart from the moment I met her as freshmen in high school. As our friendship grew Jaymie became more like a sister. She was always there, not only for me but others too. We both have daughters close in age, and I always think 'what if?' If I can help others learn from what happened to Jaymie, and how quickly it can take our loved ones then it is worth my time to volunteer for a great foundation!" 

Brandi says her favorite event is Panties Across the Bridge. 

Brandi got a tattoo to remember Jaymie and to encourage her through everyday struggles." If Jaymie could fight hard then I can too!"
Thanks Brandi for volunteering and making a difference!

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