Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month- Kandis' Story

I had no symptoms other then having more then normal painful cramps for about 6 months. One day I thought I was having a miscarriage, I woke up at 3am with heavy bleeding that wouldn't stop. The doctor couldn't see me due to the bleeding and I was told me to come in when it stopped.  A month Iater I was rushed to the ER when the bleeding was out of control. I had a ruptured vein on my cervix that needed cauterized.  I knew something very wrong when the doctor referred me to UCSF. At this point I was losing a large amount weight rapidly and getting sicker and sicker (fatigue) by the day. Finally, I was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. I had a 3cm tumor on my cervix that was growing into and down the vagina wall. It has spread to 3 lymph nodes on the left and 2 on the right in my pelvis.  I was alone when I received my diagnosis. I went through chemo, radiation and brachy therapy (more radiation) and I'm currently 1yr in remission. My starting weight was 174, my ending weight was 110....I lost a total of 64 pounds by the time I was done with treatment. I have no family history of cancer on either parents side, I am the first one.  I went 2yrs past my screening. I had HPV, my chemo doctor told me it took less then 1yr for my tumor to grow. When I asked "why me, why cancer, and how did it spread so fast?" All I was told "it's your environment". 

I hope my story will help ALL women feel empowered to get a pap smear every year.

Thank you,
Kandis Rawles

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